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06th Apr 2023

Face-mapping: What the breakouts on different parts of your face mean


Ever heard of face-mapping?

Did you know that you are able to tell a whole lot about what is going on on the inside of your body just from looking at your face?

According to Eastern medicine – and the ancient Ayurvedic method of face mapping – your face can be seen as a road map, and help pinpoint underlying issues in other parts of the body. Meaning, if your eyes are the window to your soul as they say, then your face might just be the window to understanding why you are getting breakouts and what they mean.

Like, for instance, if you wake up with a giant spot in the middle of your forehead, those who adhere to face mapping will connect your forehead to a specific area or organ in your body, and then you will be able to make the necessary changes to your diet or lifestyle to make it go away.


It’s all very interesting, in fact. First step, locate where the breakout are happening:


Spots here are usually linked to the digestive system, and may indicate that you’re having a hard time breaking down certain foods. It may also indicate liver problems (too many toxins), stress, or an irregular sleep schedule.

Are you getting a lot of breakouts in this region of your face, experts advice you to sure you’re getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night, and try drinking some dandelion tea or eat some extra garlic and onions, to help break down toxins in your body.

Between the brows

Greasy, fatty foods is often connected to acne here.Eat healther; less sugar, bad fat and processed food, and your should start to see your skin clear up.


Air pollution affect your respiratory system, which again can lead to breakouts on your cheeks. The same can happen if you spend a lot of time on your phone, as pressing your mobile against your skin while talking will transfer germs from your phone to your face.

Try washing your face thoroughly every night before bed, and use skincare containing plenty of antioxidants.


Spots on your chin if according to Chinese medicine connected to hormones, and therefor likely to pop up during that time every month. Try being extra careful with your diet and skincare in the days leading up to your period. Sleep enough, as sleep deprivation also can play havoc with your hormones.


Spots on your nose if often linked to stress, so try relaxing more. Yoga and meditation will help too.