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22nd Jul 2018

The common mistake that might be stopping your anti-dandruff shampoo from working

We are SO guilty of this.


Dandruff is a major buzzkill.

Thankfully, there are dozens of great products to help you fight the flake on the market.

However, you may notice that while most of the time your anti-dandruff shampoo does the trick, other times you are still left with the tell-tale white flakes on your shoulders.

‘What gives?’, you cry.

Well, it’s actually down to a very simple, and very common mistake we make in the shower.

While it can be tempting to follow up your anti-dandruff treatment with a nice shampoo for volume or smoothing, this actually has a negative effect.

You may think ‘but the anti-dandruff shampoo has done its job’, but dermatologists advise against mixing medicated shampoos with traditional shampoos, and even recommend you follow up your medicated shampoo with a medicated conditioner.

Francesca Fusco, M.D., a medical and cosmetic dermatologist in New York told Women’s Health:”Unilever has done studies on this, and they found that when people use dandruff shampoo, specifically ones with zinc pyrithione, and they use a beauty shampoo afterwards they can rinse away up to 55 percent of the flake-fighting effects of the medicated shampoo,” says Fusco. She recommends

“Unilever has done studies on this, and they found that when people use dandruff shampoo, specifically ones with zinc pyrithione, and they use a beauty shampoo afterwards they can rinse away up to 55 percent of the flake-fighting effects of the medicated shampoo.”

A better idea we reckon, especially if your dandruff problem is mild, would be to alternate washes between medicated and traditional.

Eg. Monday – medicated, Wednesday – traditional and so on.

Hopefully, that should see you flake and fancy-free.