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30th May 2016

These commitment rings will make sure your partner doesn’t ‘Netflix cheat’ ever again

Pure genius.

Ellen Tannam

Picture the scene. You’ve started the latest must-watch series with your significant other, and make a big thing about enjoying it together (with some snacks obviously).


(via Giphy)

It’s all good fun, right? Until someone cheats. Until you open up to see where you left off, and your loved one has brazenly skipped ahead several episodes.

You feel hurt, betrayed. It’s devastating.

Well, now it looks like there’s a way to combat Netflix infidelity and it’s just genius.

Fast Company report that Cornetto has created wearable technology in the form of rings to make sure no Netflix cheating occurs.

The brand’s rings use NFC technology (the same technology you use to pay for goods with your Android phone), to link to the streaming site for six months.

They wear the rings and choose their favourite shows, and when the rings are together the shows are unblocked.

When you try to be sneaky and watch ahead and both the rings aren’t detected, you’re fresh out of luck and you won’t be able to continue.

While you won’t be able to buy the rings in shops or online, you can sign up to receive them on a first-come, first serve basis on the Series Commitment website.

Netflix cheaters, your time is up.