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24th Mar 2017

4 things you didn’t know about your lady garden


Brought to you by Canestest and Canesbalance.

There’s a lot going on down there.

Lady garden, front bum, va-jay-jay. Whatever your call your downstairs bits there’s no denying that there is a lot going on in between our legs.

From periods to infections it’s a wonder how we manage it at all.

The most important thing is to have all the info so you know exactly what is happening and most importantly whether there is anything to worry about.

Here are 4 things that you might not know (but really should).

Thrush is seriously common

And nothing to be worried about. Thrush is a common fungal infection of the vulva and vagina that affects most women at some stage or another. The symptoms include an itchy vagina /vulva, soreness around the entrance to your vagina, slight swelling of your labia or white discharge.

It can be caused by many internal factors such as stress or hormones or external factors like antibiotics and perfumed soaps. Thrush is best treated with a combination treatment that includes both an internal pessary and an antifungal external cream. Oral tablets are only available with a prescription.

Thrush and Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) are not the same thing

So don’t be fooled. Bacterial Vaginosis or BV is an imbalance in the normal bacteria in the vagina, resulting in an increased pH level. Symptoms include an unpleasant fishy odour, watery discharge, greyish white discharge and worsening of the above after sex or during your period. BV can be caused by douching or over-washing of the vagina, antibiotics, multiple sex partners, and smoking.

The easiest way to tell if you have thrush or BV is to use a Canestest self-test kit which you can get over the counter in a pharmacy or get diagnosed by your doctor. You can treat BV with products such as Canesbalance BV Gel which works by relieving the unpleasant fishy odour and discharge and restoring the pH balance of your vagina.

Dryness downstairs is experienced by up to 1 in 3 women

So, don’t be alarmed if it happens to you. It is usually caused by a drop in oestrogen and is particularly common during menopause. Causes include using perfumed products in or around your vagina, anti-depressants or other medication, the pill, breastfeeding, hysterectomy, and chemotherapy. You can buy over the counter lubes to help ease the problem but you should visit your GP if problems persist.

40% of women experience cystitis

And we seriously feel bad for them. Cystitis is an inflammation or infection of the bladder. The two main symptoms include feeling that you may need to urinate more often and suffering from uncomfortable or even painful urination. The best way to nip cystitis in the bud is to use a low-sodium treatment remedy containing potassium citrate, which helps neutralise the acidity of urine. Drink half a pint of water straight away and every twenty minutes for three hours or drink cranberry juice as it helps fight the bacteria that sometimes cause cystitis. For more info visit

This article is sponsored by Canestest and Canesbalance.

Canestest is the first self-test you can buy that helps women self-diagnose vaginal infections. Canesbalance is clinically proven to treat the symptoms of BV by restoring your PH.