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13th Nov 2012

Hug Yourself To Good Health: Research Reveals Cuddling For Ten Seconds Has Major Benefits

If ever there was a reason to have a snuggle with your man ladies, this is it...


If you’re feeling a bit miserable on this dull Tuesday, why not grab someone and have a little cuddle? According to some new research, getting your hug on for ten seconds every day can strengthen your immune system and actually lower your risk of developing heart disease. Yes, really!

A study published in the noted journal Comprehensive Psychology has revealed that regular embraces with loved ones can have immense benefits for your health.

As well as keeping heart disease at bay, hugs can also combat stress and fatigue, ease the symptoms of depression and help you fight off any infections you may have. Basically they’re a feel-good form of medicine.

Get your hugs in while you’re watching TV with your other half

But how is it possible for a hug to do so much? Well according to the researchers, hugging for ten seconds lowers your blood pressure and releases huge amounts of feel-good hormones (like oxytocin) into your bloodstream. These hormones then have a beneficial impact on your body.

While all this is happening inside you, the amount of cortisol (the stress hormone) in your blood decreases rapidly. This means that feelings of stress or anxiousness take longer to come back once you’re done cuddling someone.

“The positive emotional experience of hugging gives rise to biochemical and physiological reactions,” said Dr Jan Astrom, who led the study.

Well, we’ll never underestimate the healing powers of the simple hug ever again. If you’re feeling a bit off, grab your man/mammy/dog for a cuddle. Hell, even if you feel fine have a snuggle. There’s no harm in keeping yourself healthy is there?


Health News