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18th Jan 2018

Quit smoking and win a holiday worth up to €5000 with Quit to Fit!


In partnership with NiQuitin*.

Could there be any better incentive?! We think not.

There are plenty of us who would LOVE to finally nip smoking in the bud. We’re sick of that constant little tickle that makes us cough, the smell that gets fixed in our clothes and furniture, AND of course, the constant thought in the back of our minds that we’re causing major damage to our health.

Well!… here’s your BIG chance to make a change AND win a fantastic prize! We’re launching our Quit to Fit campaign with NiQuitin over a period of ten weeks! Essentially, it’s your journey to great health.

So, here’s how it works. Five groups/teams will be chosen to be the face of the campaign, which is a group innitiative that strives to keep you motivated with various activities and help everyone steer clear of those cigarettes.

Groups made up of two people to 10 people will be accepted to take part in the Quit to Fit campaign, and remember these groups can be made up of anyone – mum and daughter, to wife and hubby, you and your group of mates or even the entire family!

We’ll be following everyone’s progress through weekly Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter posts, so that means we’ll ask you to post regular updates.

Groups that are chosen will be given oodles of help and valuable advice for finally quitting. You’ll be invited to try out physical weekly challenges (which we’d highly recommend) that are designed to break your current routine and build a fantastic, new and improved lifestyle overall.

Of course, it’s only fair that this comes with weekly treats too!

We’ll be tracking the impact of this new lifestyle on each participants’ health, so you can really see the major and significant changes that YOU decided to make for yourself!

We’ll also be picking our overall winners at the end of the ten weeks, and the winning team will win the outstanding fitness holiday up to the value of €5000!

We should mention, that absolutely everyone involved is set to be a true winner! – it’s no easy feat to quit smoking after all!

By the way, if you’d like to take part in this tremendous incentive – you and your group will need to be available for Vo2 testing (this refers to your fitness) on February 10 or February 11 in Dublin.

So sign up below for the perfect opportunity to embrace a healthier lifestyle AND win an AMAZING holiday!

Go on, be brave, and let’s make 2018 the best year yet!

In partnership with NiQuitin*.

*No purchase or use of NiQuitin is required.

NiQuitin is an unbeatable* way of quitting smoking. Try the NiQuitin 14mg patch for 24-hour craving control and the new NiQuitin Fresh Mint 2mg gum to hit sudden cravings hard with great flavour! NiQuitin 14mg Clear Patches and NiQuitin Fresh Mint 2mg gum are “stop smoking” aids that contain nicotine but you still require willpower. Always read the label. *provides significant improvements in quit rates compared to the patch alone.

T&C’s apply.

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