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09th Dec 2016

25 Thoughts we have when he doesn’t text back

"He's dead."


The beginning of a relationship/seeing-each-other-type-thing is hugely dependent on the medium of text. 

If there’s no textual chemistry, it’s easier to just call it a day than call his mobile and actually speak to him with words (*shudder*) .

anxious phone call

Which is why we sometimes get a little concerned (read – completely delirious) when he doesn’t text back.

Lose the run of ourselves? Us? Never.

Here are twenty five thoughts we have when he doesn’t text back .

(Yes, twenty five. It’s emotional.)


1. Ahh, he’s playing hard to get. Well, two can play that game. Better luck next time, buddy.

2. He’s really good at this…

3. Games are so immature, I’m just going to maturely, and non-sassily, ask him if he got my message.

text back 1

4. No, I can’t double text. Put the phone away.

5. Okay, I won’t check my phone for fifteen minutes, and by that time, I’ll DEFINITELY have a text.

6. Fifteen minutes might be too long, I mean someone might have had an emergency. I’ll just check now.

not strong

7. Speaking of emergencies, I really hope he’s alright.

8. He’s dead.

9. It’s because I wrote back too quickly. If he writes back to me, I won’t write back for another two hours. Yeah.

10. Okay, if he doesn’t write back by 8.20pm that’s it, he’s never writing back.

Text back

11. Alright, 8.30pm.

12. Who is she?

13. I’ll text him by “accident”, yeah, JUST in case he didn’t get my other message.

14. No, he’ll know. I’ll SNAPCHAT. That will get his attention.



16. It’s because autocorrect changed my “specific” to “pacific” and now he thinks I’m stupid.

17. I bet he’s laughing at me with his friends.

18. This is actually cyber bullying.


19. I’ll see if he’s been active on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, just to make sure he’s okay.

20. WHO is fitnesschick2015????!!!!

21. Right, first thing in the morning I’m going to the gym.

22. He thinks I’m a heinous blobfish.

cheese fries

23. Wait now, I am way too good for this. I’m blocking him. I don’t even need to see what he says.

24. But then if he writes back I won’t see what he says.

25. HE WROTE BACK! “Cool, night.” Cool, night? He is SO playing hard to get… Better luck next time buddy.