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18th Oct 2020

5 emotional stages of becoming a plant mom for the first time

Cassie Stokes

2020 is the year of the WAP, wet ass plants. And you have to keep them wet or quite simply, they die!

It may be my age but everyone I know either has a kid or a plant. I am part of the plant families. I have two, one succulent and one cactus. I’m a beginner plant mom but I am learning and will graduate to a few more thirstier ones over the next while.

I noticed when I jumped into the plant mom life that I went through a few stages that I think we all might. Plant mom life is real and it’s not easy. Shoutout to all the plant moms out there.


I have decided that I want a plant and I know what plant I want. This is the best feeling. The day comes when you plan on going to Urban Plant Life or your local plant shop. So many plants to choose from, so little space in my apartment so I can only choose one. One lucky (or not so lucky) plant!


She’s perfect! have picked the perfect plant for me and I can’t wait to get home and to start my new life with my baby plant! Yay, look at me, I am a parent. I am responsible for another life, I am now a plant parent. I don’t even need to go out on the weekends anymore, I have something to look after and care for. I am going to rock this.


I’m home and it’s just me and the plant. This plant has trusted me with its life. What if I don’t rock this? What if I’m not meant to be a plant parent, what if the sun isn’t right or the water is too cold or what if I want to go away, who will mind my plant, will it be ok without me? How am I going to do this on my own. Am I ready?


Phew, the plant is growing all is good in the world and I’m pretty sure it’s getting greener too. I should have got more plants, what was I thinking getting only one? This life was made for me. This is my calling, I am a green fingered goddess.


Went away for a week, forgot about my plant. The plant mom life was not meant for me. I’ll miss watering something other than my hangover.

