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11th Aug 2020

Bacteria watch: 7 dirty things to clean in your home immediately

Time to get a good deep-clean going.

Niamh Maher

We’re all a lot more aware now.

A few years ago, it would be considered ‘obsessive’ if people acted like Monica from Friends or were overtly concerned with the germs that lurk in their homes. In these times, it’s odd if you’re not aware of how much bacteria is floating around and it’s essential for all of our own healths as well as others that we be aware of germs, viruses and bacteria and clean our homes accordingly.

So, if you’re planning on getting down and dirty this evening (and not in the fun partying way) we’re here to help.

Studies have found that more than 340 different types of bacteria can be found on 30 different items in a single environment (shudder), which means you should really get off the couch and be cleaning instead of watching Netflix today.

Don’t panic, here’s a list of places that bacteria likes to lurk in, and what you can do to get rid of it:

  1. Handles and switches – It’s best to go through life believing that everyone washes their hands and are complete germ-free angels, the truth is that’s bull. An anti-disinfectant wipe on some of the most frequently touched places in the house is your best friend here.
  2. Electronic devices – Yes those things we’re touching 98% of the day, they’re gross, they have ALL the germs. Again wipes to the rescue.
  3. Scarves and hats – This is Ireland, it’s ALWAYS  cold, we always wear them (even during the summer months). Now, let me ask you a question, when was the last time you washed your scarf? Get it in the wash ASAP.
  4. Towels and toothbrushes – Change your toothbrush regularly, just trust us on this one. And when it comes to towels, we have two words; shedding skin.
  5. Toys – Think of how many things your kids touch in a day, enough said.
  6. Gym bags – How often do you wash them? We’re back in scarf territory again.
  7. YOUR WHOLE KITCHEN – I believe we’ve remained calm up until this point, so we can let the madness take over a little here. It’s where the food lives, keep it clean, please. Some key places to remember when deep-cleaning your kitchen are cutting boards, the sink area, salt and pepper shakers and spice racks.

A deep-clean a day keeps the bacteria away, well not every day we do have jobs but once a week will keep you feeling calm during these hectic times.