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03rd Jan 2016

8 Ways To Help You Get (And Stay) Fit in 2016  

Team up with a friend to help motivate each other.


We are all guilty of making New Year’s resolutions and not sticking to them, but if there’s one resolution you should stick to this New Year, than make it getting fit.

Not only does exercise help boost your energy levels and endorphins, but it is also a brilliant stress reliever and gives you a bit of time to yourself away from the hectic pace of day-to-day life.

Here are some of our top tips for keeping fit and healthy in 2016.


Eat right

The first step to getting your fitness up is making sure you fuel your body correctly. Make sure to drink plenty of water and eggs or porridge is always a good start to the day.

It’s all about the shoes

Now you have your food and drink down, the next step (geddit?!) is to invest in a decent pair of runners. They will make your keep fit buzz so much easier as good runners support your feet and ankles as you run. It will also reduce the risk of injury.


Plan it out

If you’re like us and like to know what you are doing and when, then planning out your fitness routine is vital. Pick certain days that you will go to the gym or go for a run and stick to it. It will help get you up and out the door those evenings you really don’t feel like it.

Walk it out

Walking is the quickest and easiest way to begin your fitness programme. It’s free and easy to do, you don’t need a special pitch or special equipment and it will make you feel great afterwards. Download a good ‘Couch to 5k’ app on to your phone if you are aiming to get into running.

Single people tend to be fitter: According to a survey of 10,000 adults, married men and women were more likely to have gained weight during the course of their romantic ventures. On the other hand, single people tend to invest more time in their fitness. This means that they spend more time working out than their coupled-up counterparts. They’re also less stressed out than couples, due to the extra exercise they get.

Recover properly

If you haven’t exercised in a while, and indeed if you are a regular exerciser, it’s vital to give your body enough time to recover. If you have done a lot, take the next day ‘off’ by doing something less strenuous. Again, refuelling your body properly is vital. Multivitamins are a great way of boosting your immune system.

Friends to help

There’s nothing that makes getting fit easier than having a partner in crime. Team up with someone who you know is serious about getting fit so that you can do the walk, runs or whatever other activity together and help motivate each other.


From the comfort of home

We know it can be really hard to get out and about on these dark and wet winter nights, but why not incorporate a fitness DVD into your routine. Although we’ve had our one from last year that we bought we such good intentions gathering dust on the shelf, if you combine it with an active routine it could be a great help.

At the end of the day…

It’s all about motivation. Whatever you decide to do in 2015, start slowly and build it up. There’s no point jumping in feet first, only to quit a week later. Plan out a realistic routine that you will stick to and build on it week to week.

Bad Habit #4: Just doing cardio. Cardio is essential when it comes to losing weight, but nothing will help you get rid of weight and tone up like lifting weights. Like our diets, our exercise has to be balanced. Start incorporating a few weights into your fitness routine and watch as your body gets stronger and more toned faster than simply running on a treadmill.