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28th Oct 2015

Barack Obama Delivered One Of The Best Lines Of His Presidency Last Night

We'll have more of this, please

emma lahiffe

Barack Obama is a badass president. 

Yesterday, the White House welcomed the World Cup-winning U.S. women’s national soccer team to celebrate their victory over Japan back in July.

Speaking before a packed East Room, Obama said of the team: “They’ve inspired millions of girls to dream bigger, and by the the way, inspired millions of boys to look at girls differently, which is just as important.”

In the middle of his ten-minute speech, he also brought us one of the slickest lines of his presidency:

We could watch this all day:

Hillary Clinton was quick to get in on the action:

Another highlight of the ceremony came when 13-year-old Ayla Ludlow introduced the president by reading a letter she sent to the Obamas during the summer.

While she had been watching the World Cup, Ayla was upset when her brother told her: “Ayla, boys are so much better at soccer than girls.”

“I hate the fact that boys’ sports always get the most attention,” Ayla read. “I want to do something about it. It makes me mad that people do not treat girls equally.”

“I don’t know where your brother is right now, but this is some payback here,” Obama joked after Ayla introduced him to the room.

Rounding off his speech, the president said: “Playing like a girl means being the best. That’s what American women do. That’s what American girls do. That’s why we celebrate this team. They’ve done it with class. They’ve done it with the right way. They’ve done it with excitement. They’ve done with style. We are very, very proud of them.”

who run the world

Hell yeah!