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21st Jul 2012

Into The Twilight Haze – New Documentary on Loving Vampires

Calling all Twihards - while you're desperately counting down the days to Breaking Dawn Part 2, enjoy rating your obsession against these crazy ladies.

Rebecca McKnight

Team Edward, Team Jacob, or Team Totally-Over-It?

A New York based psychologist has released a new documentary exploring the reasons behind some women’s obsessions with book and movie characters from the ‘Twilight’ series.

American psychologist and relationship expert Dr Niloo Dardashti’s debut film, ‘Into the Twilight Haze’ aims to give an insight into our attraction to books and films of the ‘Twilight’ ilk, and serve as a guide to the ‘relationship lessons to be learned’ from the pop culture phenomenon.

We’re unclear as to what lessons one could learn from Twilight, bar perhaps stay the hell away from vampires and werewolves to stand any chance of ever smiling again… but if you’re a true Twihard, then sink your teeth into this trailer. Maybe you could feature in a sequel.
