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23rd Feb 2013

Love Is In The Air: The Tips You Need To De-Stress Your Dating Life

We all know that dating can be super-stressful but it doesn't have to be. According to experts, there's only three things that we really need to know...


The internet is awash with many dating tips and suggestions on how you can successfully chat up the man of your dreams, however, according to dating experts, there’s really only three things that you need to know.

Yes, apparently the following three tips will help you to relax when it comes to dating, let down your hair and actually enjoy the process (as opposed to fretting over it and making yourself sick with nerves).

Are you ready to take a step back, chill out and majorly destress your dating methods?


When it comes to dating, it’s important to stay in the present moment and relax 

Expert Dating Tip #1: Always Go With The Flow

What many of us forget about going on dates is the fact that a date is simply a chance to get to know the other person and to decide whether we’d like to get to know them even more or not.

Too often we tend to get majorly stressed out and think about the future implications that the date could have, for example: will he like me? Will we end up in a relationship together? Will we get married? How many children does he want to have?

The best thing that you can do is to relax, take a few deep breaths and just stay in the present moment. Approach every date with an open mind and simply go with the flow. Don’t worry about what could happen, instead focus on having fun in the here and now and making up your mind about your potential suitor.

Expert Dating Tip #2: Be The Queen Bee

When we really like someone, we have the tendency to chase after them. We think of ways we can have a chat with them, we obsess over whether they have the same feelings as us and we spend hours trying to decipher their text messages.

Dating experts say that this type of ‘frenetic’ energy won’t do you any favours. As well as stressing yourself out, you’ll give off unsettled vibes to the object of your affections. Instead they advocate adopting a queen bee type persona.

See yourself as being the ‘centre of the hive’ so to speak – calm, cool and collected. You’re not a worker bee. It’s not your job to chase, to worry, to stress. A queen makes up her own mind and is her own person.

If you like him, tell him and let that be the end of the matter. If you want to know how he feels, simply ask him. Cut the mind games and just be real about everything.

It’s important to be yourself when you’re dating

Expert Dating Tip #3: Be Completely Transparent

Dating is all about getting to know the other person and letting them see the ‘real’ you. Sometimes we forget this and tend to show people the side of us that we want them to see, the ‘persona.’ However, if we display a ‘fake’ version of ourselves from day one, we’re just asking for trouble later on if things develop into something more.

Dating experts advise being a completely honest, transparent version of yourself. If you’re nervous about being on a first date, tell him. If you’re having a crap day, be honest. If you love making random jokes, go for it.

Don’t censor who you are. Remember, if things go well, you could be spending a lot more time with this person.  Now would you like to be yourself or would you prefer to keep acting for the length of your relationship? We know which one we’d choose!

The truth will always come out and this is especially true when we’re pretending to be something that we’re not. So relax, be yourself and at least then you’ll know that he likes you for exactly who you are rather than the person you’re pretending to be.