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23rd Oct 2017

Woman’s great-great-grandmother story destroys slut shaming meme

'People have ALWAYS been like this.'

Jade Hayden



If you’re at all familiar with the internet and the perils of slut shaming, you’ll probably have seen this meme format.

It traditionally features two panels – one from ‘this year’ with the caption “found a pic of your grandmother” and one from a year in the future with the caption “found a pic of your grandmother.”

The first panel generally shows a daguerreotype photo of a woman looking solemn and bored as they tended to back in the early twentieth century.

The second panel shows a woman taking a selfie in a mirror in her underwear.


The meme is supposed to allude to the fact that women these days are apparently more “sluttier” than those back in the day, and that apparently finding a picture of your future grandmother taking a selfie in her underwear would be shameful and embarrassing, or something.

It’s a meme – it’s not that intelligent.

Anyway, somebody saw this meme on Tumblr and decided to tell a little story about their great-great-grandmother that pretty much destroyed whatever the original post was trying to say.

It started with Tumblr user ‘gallusrostromegalus’ saying that one Christmas, they and their family were looking through some pics of family members of days gone by.

That was when the user and their sister discovered a brown envelope.

Inside it were a few tickets for the Titanic.

Gallusrostromegalus’ mum explained that her ancestors almost came over to the States on the Titanic, but one of them (thankfully) got ill so they couldn’t travel.

There were also a few photos of the Tumblr user’s great-great-grandmother.

And they were nudes.

“They are NOT tasteful nudes,” said the user.

“Like, these are Violating-Terms-Of-Service-On-Most-Platforms- OBSCENE.

“GGG had these taken waaaaay back in ye olden days, in order to convince her wayward husband to move back to England after he ditched her to party it up in Chicago.

“I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW FUCKING HARD WE LAUGHED. Like, I think I passed out I was laughing so hard.

“So yes, people have ALWAYS been like this, and your nudes will make for a hilarious family Christmas someday.”

Good to know, ‘gallusrostromegalus.’

Good to know.