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03rd Apr 2019

You can now stop people from adding you to pointless WhatsApp group chats

Jade Hayden


Praise the Lord.

Be honest, how many times have you been added to a painfully pointless group chat with a load of people who you don’t care about regarding a topic you have little to zero interest in?

You have a quick scroll through, you’ll be confused by the severe amount of unsaved numbers, and you’ll ultimately mute the entire chat to avoid looking incredibly rude by simply leaving.

And if the above hasn’t happened to you then you are the person who keeps adding people into unnecessary groups, so please stop.


We’ve had enough of you, and so has WhastApp apparently because they’ve introduced a new feature which allows users to decline entry into group chats if they don’t want to be a part of them.

The dream.


The update started being rolled out today so all you need to do to avail of this arguably life-changing feature is update your app, go to settings, go to account, and go to privacy.

Then click the ‘Groups’ option and pick whatever way you’d like to continue using the app, either allowing anybody, your contacts, or nobody to add you to a group without your consent.

If you haven’t received the update yet though, don’t worry because it’s expected to be rolled out to all users over the next few weeks.
