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03rd Apr 2022

Travel friendly reading: 3 books to bring on vacation with you this year

Melissa Carton

Pack these for your next flight.

After the last couple of years I think it’s safe to say we’re all looking forward to some vacation time this year.

Whether you’re planning to travel abroad or have a staycation with no restrictions, we’re definitely all deserving of  little rest and relaxation.

If like myself you’re a bookworm and can’t imagine travelling without a good book to read, here are three that I highly recommend packing in your carry on.

The School for Good Mothers – Jessamine Chan

The School for Good Mothers sees Frida, who is sentenced to a period at an experimental facility intended to rehabilitate mothers accused of even minor parenting infractions.

In a world of social media and ‘mommy shaming’ this is a must read for 21st century mothers.

Lessons in Chemistry – Bonnie Garmus

Chemist Elizabeth Zott is not your average woman. In fact, Elizabeth Zott would be the first to point out that there is no such thing as an average woman.

Set in the 1960s, Elizabeth sees her life turn upside down when she finds herself not only a single mother, but the reluctant star of America’s most beloved cooking show Supper at Six.

This is a really entertaining read that I (and many book critics) highly recommend.

My Heart & Other Breakables – Alex Barclay

“This is the diary of me, Ellery Brown, aged fifteen and a half. I’m supposed to use it to record my feelings about my mum, since she died. So why do I keep thinking about who my dad might be, instead . . . ?”

A really emotional, heart warming read that everyone from teens to adults can enjoy.

If you have a teenage daughter there may be arguments about who gets to read this book on vacation first.

My advice to avoid this would be to buy two copies.


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