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05th May 2017

Why folic acid is important – no matter what your age


Brought to you by Clonfolic.

So, what is this thing called folic acid anyways?

You might have heard the term in different advertisements, maybe you’ve seen the phrase written in pamphlets about pregnancy but just how much do you actually know about folic acid?

Don’t worry if you’re not so sure about it because we have got the low-down on everything you need to know, including why every single woman should be taking it regardless of whether or not they are trying for a baby.

What is folic acid?

Folic acid is one of the group B vitamin family. It is a water-soluble vitamin and is found in green vegetables. It’s also present in fortified foods including cereals, milk, bread and folic acid supplements like Clonfolic.

What does it do?

Folic acid is required for the manufacture of nucleic acids – the genetic material of cells. It’s vital for the development and proper function of the central nervous system.

Taking folic acid daily can help reduce the risk of having a baby with Spina Bifida by up to 70%.

What is Spina Bifida?

Spina Bifida is a birth defect of the backbone and the spinal chord. It is one of a group of birth defects called neural defects that affects the spine and brain. The neural tube is the embryonic structure that develops into the brain and spine.

So, you should only take it when you’re pregnant?

No, unfortunately, this is a massive misconception about folic acid. All women who are sexually active and who could become pregnant need to take folic acid daily even if they are not planning on having a baby anytime soon. Over half of all pregnancies are unplanned so you really can’t be careful enough.

How often should you take it?

Experts recommend taking folic acid every day for at least 14-weeks prior to conceiving and to continue to taking it for 12 weeks once you are pregnant. This ensures that the folic acid can build up in the system and be effective, as the baby’s spinal cord closes very early in the pregnancy.

This article is brought to you by Clonfolic.