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05th May 2019

Here are the reasons why you may have white marks on your nails

Aside from calcium deficiency...


We have all been told that white marks on our nails are to do with a deficiency of calcium in our bodies.

Even though many of us stock up on dairy products like milk, cheese, and yoghurt, we still find those dreaded tiny white marks on our nails which are so annoying if you want a perfect French manicure… (first world problems, I know).

While those white spots on your nails can be annoying and hard to avoid, it turns out it’s not just from not drinking enough of the white stuff.

While the most obvious explanation for the white marks on your nails is from banging or hitting your nails off something, (the scientific term for these white spots are ‘punctate leokonychia’) it also turns out that there’s another thing happening to your nails that is flagged by those tiny white spots… A fungal nail infection.

Apparently, when your body fights off infections it needs all the strength it can muster to fight the germs, so it relaxes on protecting the ‘minor’ things in your body (including the growing of your nails).

The white spots or lines indicate that your body is pausing the growth for now, but by the time they appear your body has already gotten rid of the infection.

So now you know.