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27th Oct 2014

What’s Her Secret? The World’s Oldest Living Woman (116) Has Some Advice

This woman is living proof of the benefits...

Rebecca McKnight

Here’s hoping you enjoyed a little lie-in this morning, as it seems that sleep is one of two things that will better your chances of reaching a three-digit age. 

Misao Okawa is the world’s oldest living person, and she attributes her incredible longevity to plenty of sleep and sushi.

The Japanese supercentenarian has held her title since the death of another 116-year-old and a fellow Japanese national, Jiroemon Kimura. Kimura passed away in June of last year.

Okawa, who lives in a nursing home, is now the verified oldest ever Japanese person and the oldest person born in Asia. Her husband passed away in 1931.

At the time of her birthday celebrations, Okawa told reporters that a good night’s sleep and lots of sushi helped to keep her strong and healthy.

Oishii Sushi Freshly Prepared

That might be the perfect excuse to order some healthy takeaway for tonight, then follow these tips to rest easy:

  • A warm bath before bed relaxes your muscles and clears your head. You’ll find you fall asleep quicker, enjoy better quality sleep and a better day as a result of an evening soak.
  • Between 18 and 22 degrees is perfect for a night’s sleep. That’s why changing your duvet with the seasons will help you sleep better and wake up felling refreshed.
  • Light is a powerful instrument to regulate sleep cycle. You’ll get a much better night’s sleep if your room is in total darkness.
  • Eating a big meal late in the evening stimulates your body’s metabolism at the very time you need it to be slowing down. So for better sleep, try eating earlier and if you get hungry at bedtime, eat a banana. The source of magnesium and potassium help to relax muscles so you sleep better.
  • Lavender is known to slow down your heart rate, lower blood pressure and put you into a relaxed state. So keeping some next to your bed will give you quality sleep with less tossing and turning. And it’s nice to wake up in a room that smells lovely.