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15th Nov 2017

Apparently, really intense orgasms can actually blind you temporarily


Jade Hayden


Worth it though..?

Orgasms are great.

Some say they could be the greatest thing ever.

We would, honestly, be inclined to agree.

There does, however, exist the chance that an orgasm so intense and so powerful could actually blind you.

Temporarily, at least.

Valsalva retinopathy is what happens when blood vessels burst in the eye due to a sudden and intense pressure.

… A sudden and intense pressure that could absolutely be brought on by an orgasm that’s intense enough (and good enough, let’s be honest) to cause it.

According to a study conducted by in universities in Edinburgh and Southampton, a man caused this rupture during an orgasm by holding his breath and pushing out his diaphragm.

The study details that the 29-year-old woke the next day and noticed a “left paracentral scotoma.”

“On direct questioning the patient revealed an episode of vigorous sexual intercourse the preceding evening.

“During orgasm the valsalva manoeuvre can produce a sudden increase in retinal venous pressure resulting in vessel rupture and haemorrhagic retinopathy.”

Or, in other words, he orgasmed so hard he blinded himself.


Or terrifying? Let’s go with nice.