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01st Nov 2016

Barack and Michelle Obama perform Thriller dance at White House Halloween bash

Obama is the ultimate dad dancer

Nooruddean Choudry

Enjoy them whilst you still can.

With two of the most unpopular Presidential candidates in the history of US elections currently waging a dirty war against each other in order to be named the 45th POTUS, number 44 and his First Lady are currently enjoying tremendously good press. The prospect of either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump in the White House will tend to do that.

There is certainly a tendency at times like this to let nostalgia and sentimentality get the better of us and ignore certain aspects of reality (the less said about indiscriminate drone strikes at this stage the better), but it seems that the majority of Americans – as well as many others around the world – will miss the Obamas.

Politics with a big P apart, they seem like thoroughly cool, decent people. And importantly, they’re more than happy to laugh at themselves and join in with good-natured revelry when the opportunity arises. This was particularly evident at their very last Halloween bash at the White House on Monday.

Entertaining a number of ghouled up kids, Barack and Michelle joked about the throng of hyper children with their seasonal sugar rushes. Then, as the merriment started, with Michael Jackson’s Thriller blaring out, the pair took part in an ‘impromptu’ dance routine, pretending it wasn’t carefully rehearsed.

Alas they’ll be gone soon – and their replacements will be very scary indeed…