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03rd Sep 2020

The battery powered fly swatter you didn’t know you needed for your house

Cassie Stokes

“They die and it’s very sad, but at the same time, get out of my house.”

Like most Irish people, we here at Her love a good find – and this one is sure to get you excited.

I’m going to set the scene for you: you’re home relaxing on the couch after a day in garden with the doors and windows open. All is very peaceful and relaxed. Suddenly you hear a buzzing fly by. Yes a fly has got into your house.

You can sit there and open the windows again and hope for the best, or you can get proactive and grab a newspaper or magazine and start swatting.

But the thing is, when there’s one fly in the house you know there’s at least one more.

Chances are you’re probably not going to catch the thing or else you do with the perfect smack…. but it’s not perfect enough because the fly is still moving. It’s landing on all the food in the kitchen. It won’t leave.

In the above is a situation you’re familiar with, this product is going to change your life – a fly swatter that zaps the fly. Yes, really.

Now, we’re not promoting the killing of anything here at Her… but a swat is a swat.

Basically, the fly swatter is shaped like a tennis racket but instead of the strings in the middle it’s a little electrocuting bands. They sound harsh, but listen, needs must.

The product is is called a zapper and you can get them for less than a tenner on Amazon!

Her’s Head of Content Niamh Maher has had one for a few weeks, and she’s fairly obsessed with it.

“Basically you turn it on and then you… hit the flies and they die. And it’s very sad but at the same time, get out of my house.”

You can have a look at our Her Picks series for more rad buys. 
