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06th Mar 2019

This Galway parish is offering a drive-thru Ash Wednesday service

Olivia Hayes

Pancake Tuesday is over, folks.

We basically ate our weight in pancakes yesterday (no regrets) and stuffed as many toppings into us that we could possibly fit.

It’s probably the best Tuesday of the year, to be fair, but the day has passed so now it’s all about Ash Wednesday.

Yep, it’s the day where those who want to get ash smudged across their foreheads in the shape of a cross. It’s also the day that lent starts, so you better be thinking of what you’re going to give up for those 40 days and 40 nights.

Anyway, for people in Glenamaddy in Galway, one church, St. Patrick’s, has decided to make getting ashes a little bit easier.

They have opened a drive -thru service, so you can ride up on your bike, car, truck or tractor in order to get the sign of the cross on your head.

For the past few years, the church has been going the extra mile to ensure the people of their parish get ashes, and today is no different.

St Patrick’s church posted about the service on Facebook last night, saying: “Ash Wednesday drive through in Glen’. You can follow the old tradition and get your forehead crossed with ashes at Glenamaddy Church tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, from 8am to 9.30am. They’ll be ready and waiting!”