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27th Sep 2016

Someone has found a way to get rid of garlic breath


Laura Holland


There is nothing worse than enjoying some garlic bread or even a meal with garlic in it and finding out later on that your breath absolutely stinks of garlic. No amount of chewing gum or mints will help the situation.

Well, this might no longer be a problem as scientists in Ohio State University, America, have found a new way to get rid of garlic breath. Hurrah!

They got a group of people to eat three grams of garlic cloves and leave them in their mouth for 25 seconds while chewing. After that, they were given different drinks and food types to consume to try and get rid of the smell.

The first few drank water as a control, while others were given one of the follow; raw, juiced or heated apple, raw or heated lettuce, raw or juiced mint leaves, or green tea.

The researchers then analysed the levels of volatiles in the breath, which are responsible for the bad smell.

Of all the foods used, raw apple and raw lettuce were found to have decreased the concentration of volatiles in the breath by 50 percent or more compared to the water for the first 30 minutes.

No surprise that mint leaves had a higher deodorization level compared to raw apple and raw lettuce. Meanwhile, Apple juice and mint juice reduced the levels of volatiles, but not as effectively as chewing raw apple or raw mint.

Both heated apple and lettuce produced a significant reduction of volatiles.

The only one to have no effect on the garlic compounds was green tea which had no deodorizing effect.