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02nd Dec 2015

The Entirety of Alice in Wonderland is Tattooed on 2,500 People Across the Globe

It's the largest tattoo chain in the world

Cassie Delaney

Lithographs, a company that makes literally everything literature related has recently started producing temporary text tattoos.

They launched a Kickstarter to fund the creation of the transfer tats but instead of just asking for money they proposed something SO MUCH COOLER. The first 2,500 backers of the campaign received an individual text tattoo with a few lines from Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. The result is that the entirety of the classic is now (temporarily) tattooed across 2,500 people around the globe.

Lithographs have even developed Through The Looking Glass and are now extending the tattoo chain across a further 2,500 people.

View the whole chain here.