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31st Aug 2020

Transitional dressing: 3 jumpsuits well worth investing in for your wardrobe this autumn

Trine Jensen-Burke

Transitional dressing.

I don’t know about you, but I often find this very time we are in the absolute hardest to dress for. I mean; it’s not really fully autumn, and yet summer is definitively gone.

The mornings are cool and often a little blustery, yet come afternoon, the sun is out, and whatever I put on when I was feeling a little cold that morning, now suddenly leaves me dripping with sweat.

Enter transitional dressing.

As in – clothes that will take you right through these next three-four weeks when the weather is being all over the place.

And for me right now, I am all about jumpsuits. Seriously – there are so many fab ones to pick from, and I love not only how they are so easy to wear (no trying to match your top to your bottom is a blessing!), but also how they are warm enough as they leave me more covered up than a summer dress or skirt – yet also cool and flowy enough to not make me feel too hot later on in the day, when the sun makes an appearance again.

I just ordered this first one from H&M, but reckon I might have to click home to other two as well. Autumn wardrobe? Done and dusted!

1. Cotton twill boiler suit


2. Linen-blend jumpsuit


3. Twill boiler suit
