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30th Dec 2022

Babies born in January are more likely to become rich and famous, apparently


Did the New Year bring you your bundle of joy?

If so they could be the next Katie Taylor or Saoirse Ronan.

Research has found that January babies have some unique and lucky qualities that mean they may be in for a very prosperous life!

According to a study from Australia, there were 33 per cent more January babies than in the Australian Football League than athletes born in other months. Published in Science Daily co-author Adrian Barnett from Queensland University explained his theory on why this is the case;

“If you were born in January, you have almost 12 months’ growth ahead of your classmates born late in the year.”

But becoming a sports star isn’t the only way January babies attract fame. Another study published in the Journal of Social Sciences found a disproportionate number of celebrities claim the Aquarius astrological sign—meaning they were born between January 20 and February 18.

Not only that but babies born in January, have one of the luckiest birthstones.

Garnet gemstones are associated with peace, prosperity and good health. Some say it even has the power to give the wearer eternal happiness, health and wealth!

It seems that January babies are well and truly born under a lucky star.