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22nd Apr 2014

World Health Organization Release Binge-Drinking Stats

They might surprise you.


The World Health Organization has released new binge-drinking and consumption statistics for the globe which might surprise you.

First things first, the data only looks at “drinkers” (those who have had at least one drink in the last year) and “bingeing” refers to six standard drinks (a beer, glass of wine or shot).

Over half of Irish men binge at least once a week, ranking them in first position followed by Laos and India. The ladies fared better in this category with 20 per cent bingeing once a week. They were third in the list behind Vietnam and Laos.


As for how many drinks per week we go through, Ireland ranks quite low with 21 on average. Drinkers in Mali apparently have 39 per week followed by Zimbabwe (37), South Africa (37), Egypt (35), Nigeria (34) and Russia (28).


The world’s top binge-drinking country turned out to be the Cook Islands. Tunisia came in second followed by Ireland, Russia and the USA.


While Ireland didn’t top all of the lists, as some may have assumed, these are still worrying statistics and show that binge-drinking is a very serious problem across the globe.

Images via The Global Post

