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10th Oct 2014

“Killer Exclusive” – Your Least Favourite Thing Is Coming To Your Most Favourite Soap

If true, this may quite possibly be the most bizarre storyline of all time...


Killer spiders are coming to a cobbled street near you…

If the Daily Star front page is anything to go by, the lovely folk of Coronation Street are about to get hit by a few unwanted creepy crawlies, (other than the existing ones Peter Barlow and David Platt).

In an “exclusive” the paper reveals a potential plot line that involves some killer… spiders.

Yes, you read that correctly, killer spiders are set to star in one of the most beloved soaps on television.

“Deadly spiders” have proven quite popular on the pages of the Daily Star in recent weeks and so the paper is taking all credit for the “fang-tastic”, yes they really did write that, plot line.

If true, this may quite possibly be the most bizarre storyline of all time.

Are the killer spiders the new Richard Hillman?!

Murderous- Coronation Street's Richard Hillman (Brian Capron) is slowly becoming the most cunning and devious killer ever to grace television -br---br-Picture by Granada

Will Gail Platt finally meet her end?


Is the infestation going to take over the Rovers?!


We’re going to go have a lie down now, this is all too much.