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13th Apr 2018

Always waking up at night needing to pee? You could have this condition

It's SO annoying but this might help.

Cathy Donohue

Pet hate 123,666.

Having to leave the cosy cocoon that is your duvet to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night is annoying. End of.

If you find this is something that happens you regularly, you might be experiencing nocturia.

The National Sleep Foundation describes nocturia as “a frequent need to get up and go to the bathroom to urinate at night”.

Although it becomes more common as you grow older, it can happen at any age and it is a widely reported cause of sleep loss.

It is linked to a number of health conditions including diabetes and urological infections but in some cases, nocturia can be a result of drinking too much before bed.

Good Housekeeping spoke to Net Doctor to find out what steps you can take to achieve an uninterrupted night’s sleep.

  • Try and cut back on fluids as the day goes on so that you empty your bladder long before bed.
  • Keep a diary to see if there is a pattern to your nocturia
  • Drink decaffeinated beverages as opposed to caffeinated
  • If the issue is affecting your quality of life, visit your GP to rule out the possibility of any underlying health issues.