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22nd Mar 2018

Women orgasm far less with men than they do with women and no one is surprised

Jade Hayden

women orgasm men

Sucks to be straight, doesn’t it?

Chances are you’ve already heard all about the orgasm gap between men and women.

It’s basically the fact that heterosexual men have far more orgasms than their partners during sex and that there is now a drive to close this proverbial gap and give more women pleasure in bed.

However, there’s another orgasm gap that exists – the one between straight couples and gay couples and, in particular, the women in both of these relationships.

A new study reported in The Sun has shown that women are way more likely to orgasm when having sex with a woman than when they’re having sex with a man.

Researchers asked over 2,300 women from around the world how many times they orgasm a month and the results were fairly striking.

Women in same-sex relationships said that they orgasmed 55 times every month, while women in heterosexual relationships said they came just 7 times a month.

A stark difference, in fairness.


The study was conducted at the University of Arkansas in the US, and lead researcher Dr Kristen Jozkowski thinks that the results prove that same-sex sexual activity is more diverse.

She said that men tend to go for penetration too quickly and often, this leaves their partner dissatisfied.

“(Sex with other females) was excitingly diversified.

“Sex that includes more varied sexual behaviour results in women experiencing more orgasms.”

Interestingly enough though, heterosexual couples reported having more sex than same-sex couples.

Men and women said that they have sex 16 times a month, while same-sex couples reported that they have sex 10 times a month.

This disparity doesn’t mean that straight men are simply unable to perform in the bedroom though – they, like most of us, are well able.

The difference is most likely due to the fact that straight sex is often rushed to its conclusion, not focusing on foreplay or anything that isn’t vaginal penetration.

All is not lost though, because there is a quick fix to sorting out this gap – communication in the bedroom.

At the end of the day, if you ask your partner what they like, you’re absolutely more likely to satisfy them.