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18th Dec 2022

Celebs slam Jeremy Clarkson for ‘vile’ Meghan Markle rant

Charlie Herbert

Jeremy Clarkson said he hated the Duchess of Sussex more than Rose West

The likes of John Bishop and Carol Vorderman have voiced their disgust at a “vile” and “hateful” rant by Jeremy Clarkson against Meghan Markle.

In an op-ed for The Sun published on Friday (16 December), Clarkson wrote that he loathes the Duchess of Sussex “on a cellular level” and wants people to “throw lumps of excrement” at her.

He said: “I hate her. Not like I hate Nicola Sturgeon or Rose West. I hate her on a cellular level.

“At night, I’m unable to sleep as I lie there, grinding my teeth and dreaming of the day when she is made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowds chant ‘Shame!’ and thrown lumps of excrement at her.”

He finished by claiming that “everyone” who is his age “thinks the same way.”

But the comments have been condemned by many, including a number of celebrities from across the world of entertainment.

Comedian Dom Joly described his words as “utterly vile and disgusting” and labelled the former Top Gear host an”utter piece of trash.”

Carol Vorderman said that “not on any level, in any circumstance, is it ok to write this stuff about any woman,” and refuted his claim that “everyone who’s my age thinks the same.”

John Bishop also voiced his disgust at Clarkson’s rant, saying it was a “blatant appeal to incite humiliation and violence on a woman.”

He also said there was “no excuse” for what Clarkson wrote and rubbished suggestions it could be “excused as dark humour.”

Radio DJ Edith Bowman said that Clarkson was a “vile misogynist,” whilst Kathy Burke labelled him a “colossal c**t.”

A simple search for ‘Clarkson’ on Twitter highlights the all-round condemnation he has received for the op-ed, with others questioning how the piece was allowed to be published by the newspaper’s editors.

Markle and her husband Prince Harry are currently the focus of a lot of attention after the release of their new Netflix documentary, Harry & Meghan.

Both Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace have so far remained silent over a number of allegations made by the couple in the six-part series.

This includes claims from Harry that his brother Prince William left him ‘terrified’ after he shouted at him during the Sandringham summit in January 2020, when Harry, William, Charles and the late Queen met at the Norfolk estate to thrash out the term of Harry and Meghan’s exit deal from the family.

Harry also alleged that Kensington Palace “lied to protect my brother” when it issued a statement denying a story William had bullied him out of the royal family.

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