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20th Aug 2018

10 foods that will make a HUGE difference to your skin

Eat your way to glowy skin.

Trine Jensen-Burke

We all know that our health depends heavily on what we eat, but were you aware that your looks, in particular your skin, does too?

In fact, according to the experts, never mind all the product you can apply on your skin, what is really going to make it flawless, has to come from the inside.

Meaning; if you want to make your complexion truly glow, you need to make a few tweaks to your diet.

What to eat for the best skin of your life? These foods are a good place to start:

1. Tomatoes. Organic tomatoes are loaded with lycopene, a powerful antioxidant shown to help fight many illnesses. They are also loaded with vitamins C and A, and if you believe TV’s Dr. Oz, they are just as good – or better – than açai and goji, those trendy, expensive antioxidants-loaded berries that everyone harps on about.


2. Green tea. Swapping from your regular cuppa to health-boosting green tea will do wonders for your skin. And it doesn’t end there, green tea has many other health advantages too, from cancer prevention to longevity to gentler skin ageing—thanks to its antioxidant polyphenols. Organic green tea is preferable (as nothing undoes positive health effects like a load of pesticides).


3. Extra virgin olive oil. Consume it for heart-disease prevention, cancer prevention, its cholesterol-lowering good fats, its antioxidants, and also because it literally moisturizes your skin from the inside out.

4. Broccoli. According to a Harvard Study, the humble broccoli beats out most other veggies when it comes to nutrition profile. It has well-documented anti-inflammatory effects, and as many skin experts hail inflammation as one of the key things to cause skin ageing, eating this frequently will help keep your skin smooth and even.

5. Dark leafy greens. These are loaded with vitamins and iron and can be snuck into meals easily (omelets, smoothies, salads, etc.). Eat in abundance and watch your skin go from dull to dreamy in no-time.


6. Oily fish (like salmon). Wild is your best (and healthiest) bet when it comes to fish. Salmon is loaded with anti-inflammatory omega 3s, healthy fats, and vitamin B12, which will all contribute to making your skin more glowing.

7. Walnuts. We know that eating plenty of good fats is essential to great skin, and walnuts are not only choc-a-bloc with that, they are also great for heart health, lowering cholesterol, boosting brain function, and reducing inflammation. Go nuts! (Pun intended!)

8. Blueberries. Super low in calories, choc-a-bloc with vitamin C, fibre, vitamin E, and other brain- and skin-boosting nutrients.


9. Dark chocolate. Can we get an amen?! Yes, you can totally still eat chocolate and keep your skin looking fab. You just need to make sure it is the right kind, and that you indulge in moderation. A recent study showed that cocoa has capacity to protect skin from UV damage, meaning it might be a good thing to start including in your diet coming up to summer.

10. Avocados. If you have yet to jump on the avocado bandwagon, this might convince you. This green fruit is practically loaded with skin-perfecting nutrients, as well as having major cholesterol-lowering power, potassium, folate, carotenoids, vitamin E, and happiness-inducing monounsaturated fats.

Sources:, and