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13th May 2016

Nearly half of adults cannot solve this simple equation

Cassie Delaney

Hands up, I did pass maths. And having approximately zero need to complete any mental maths throughout my adult life, I’ve quickly become borderline incompetent when it comes to sums.

I fall into the 40 percent of adults who cannot solve this seemingly simple equation.

Screen Shot 2016-05-13 at 18.35.36

As reported by the Mail Online, the equation created an internet frenzy in Japan where only 6 in every ten adults could find the correct solution. It gained so much attention that Mind Your Decisions, created a video explaining how to solve the sum.

As expected, it’s simply employing the BOMDAS method which indicates which order to solve the sum in. The equation is possibly proving difficult to people as typing it into a calculator in the order it appears will produce the wrong answer.

Instead, the sum must be rearranged to place the 1/3 in a bracket.

This video explains the methodology much better than I could.
