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08th Mar 2019

‘I am doing my best to be better’: Seven affirmations for International Women’s Day

And every other day, TBH.

Anna O'Rourke

If you’ve been online at all today, you’ll have spotted that it’s International Women’s Day.

At this point you’ll probably either be gleefully re-gramming uplifting quotes about the sisterhood or rolling your eyes at the brands jumping on the bandwagon and commercialising the day.

Either response is fair.

Still, when lovely #IWD messages started rolling into one of my Whatsapp groups this morning, I couldn’t help but feel a burst of positivity and gratitude – but also started thinking about being a woman and whether I’m doing it right.

I am not a perfect feminist – but I am doing my best to be better.

Here are seven things I am reminding myself of today.


“I am grateful for the women I know.”

I am sometimes quietly blown away by the talent of the women I work with and by the kindness and brilliance of the of the women who are my family and friends.

I will not take them for granted.


“I am grateful for the women I don’t know.”

I am aware of the women who have come before me and broken barriers, often taking risks to do so.

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“I will check my privilege.”

I know how lucky I am to be a woman in this part of the world, in this time and from a background that gave me the best chance in life.

I will bear my privilege in mind and keep in mind those who haven’t had the same chances as me.


“I will support women who aren’t like me.”

I recognise that my experience of being a woman isn’t universal.

I will diversify the media I consume and will follow, read, watch and listen to women and girls who are younger, older, non-white, LGBT, trans, refugees and who have different world views to me. I will tell others about them.


“I will support companies that support women.”

So many brands and businesses now claim to be #forwomen – but many fail the women who work for them.

I will educate myself on the things I spend my money on and the companies I like and I will factcheck them on their feminist credentials.


“I will be kinder to myself.”

I have the right to be fallible. I will learn from mistakes but not beat myself up for them.


“There is no one right way to be a woman.”

We don’t all have to agree. I have the right to change my mind and to come to different conclusions to other women – and they do too.