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02nd Dec 2015

WATCH: This Doctor Has Found A Magic Tip To Help You Calm That Wailing Baby

It’s the magic touch that will save your patience.


Babies are gorgeous.

They’re tiny and sweet, with skin like butter and wildly excited and inquisitive eyes that want to get to the bottom of everything.

After nine months carrying and caring for a child, or even waiting for one of your best friends or family members to welcome their little bundle of joy into the world, it’s easy to fall head over heels in love with these tiny little beings.

Unfortunately, there can be some serious crying.

Wails that make you question your own sanity and immediately shut down the idea of starting your own Van Trapp brood.

Well one veteran paediatrician has come up with the best way to stop a child from crying.

No gimmicks required.

Dr. Robert Hamilton has a proven technique to soothe any baby – whether they’re cold, hungry, colicky or in pain.

He simply places one hand under the baby’s bum for support, and with his left hand, he gently folds the baby’s arms across its chest.

Then he simply wiggles their bums.

Sound too good to be true?

Here’s a little video demonstration…

Video: Robert Hamilton