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05th Feb 2017

Poll taken by over 3000 reveals who should pay on the first date


The results are in…

Over 3000 of you voted in our poll where we asked you who should pay the bill on the first date? Living in an unpredictable world where the ground beneath your feet no longer seems a sure thing, the established codes of dating might be the only certain thing we have left, or not.

The votes have been tallied and while the dominant answer was that the man should pay for the first date, with 43% of you saying so, splitting the cost came in a close(ish) second. While this may seem a boat-rocker and a sign we are all going dutch, it is a confirmation of old-world etiquette that only 1.74% of you thought that the woman paying for the date was the indisputable answer.

The bill going to the person that initiated the date racked up 18.41% of the vote, which seems like a fair way of deciding who takes the hit.

A full and very informative bar chart with all of the results is below;

While writing the poll we were aware not every date and relationship is heterosexual and that the dynamics for every couple are different.