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08th Sep 2016

People with these names are most likely to be single forever

Ciara Knight

Single people are disgusting and should have to pay more tax than everyone else.

Oh wait, they already do!

“Studies” have shown that there is a direct correlation between your name and ability to maintain a stable and lengthy relationship that ultimately leads to marriage.

If you have any of the following names, you’re likely to be alone FoReVeR, you disgusting piece of garbage. Sorry.


Aoife Cantcommit

Ciara Wonttiemedown

Emer Intimacyissues

Karen Hateseveryone

Laura Toogoodforyou

Mary Careerfirst

Niamh Justneedsspace

Róisín Wontoffendanyone

Susan Allthesingleladies

Taylor Swift



Adam Fondofthewomen

Colm Isabigjerk

Dave Wontsettle

Éamonn Willneverwed

John Canttalktogirls

Kieran Stilllivesathome

Liam Prefersplayingminecraft

Michael Hasnofriends

Peter Doesntbelieveinmarriage

Seán Stillavirgin